I’m From Poem

I am from food
from makeup and cars
I am from the small house with a lot of land
that always has a pumpkin smell
I am from the beautiful yellow flowers
the cedar trees
that dances in the wind and rain
I’m from big birthday dinners and parties
from dad saying I love you and brother saying I hate you
I’m from going to Colorado every Christmas and Port A. every spring
and from a family that talks a whole bunch
I’m from “Go to sleep Santa is coming!” and “stay strong, keep your head up”
and rocking the country music
I’m from movies all night long
I’m from Dallas, Texas
from grandfather who served in the army and passed away

Puppy Love

Last year I got a dog for an early Christmas present. He was the cutest thing ever. At first he didn’t do much. I would call him but he would move and I would try to play with him and nothing came out of him. Now as soon as you whistle he is right by your side in a flick of a light. He is a big fluffy brown dog named Merle but we call him Bear. Merle loves everyone and will attack them with kisses. He is the best dog I have ever had and would never regret getting him. My friend has taught him how to shake so every time we tell him to sit he will shake your hand. My whole family adores him and plays with him all the time he is like a little kid that has way to much sugar. He is deathly afraid of water yet we still put him in a boat and he floats around the pool.


Baby Sister

My baby sister was the best surprise this year. She was born on April, 14 2013. I have always wanted a little sister but all I got was a brother. My baby sister’s name is Olivia . Olivia is the sweetest baby I know. Olivia is already trying to stand up and she likes to make noises like she is talking to you. The cutest smile comes from her everyday and makes me laugh. I enjoy watching her watching the lights while she is in her swing. Today is her three month anniversary. I love her to death and I will enjoy playing with her when she gets older.



Name That….. You!

Do I think Taylor suits me? My opinion of the name Taylor is in the middle because I have gone my whole life being called by Abbey which is an abbreviation for my middle name and I’m really comfortable. Starting middle school every started calling me Taylor so I thought to myself, why not just go by Taylor? I finally got used to it and I liked using it.
My parents had three name options Taylor, Gabriella and Lauren. They decided they didn’t like the other names and chose Taylor. I was named after my grandma because my dad was the favorite grandchild and in honor of that he named me after her.


National Charity League

This past year I started a thing called NCL which stands for National Charity League. NCL is where a whole bunch of mothers and their daughters volunteer to raise money for charity. Every girl gets a job, wether its researching places to volunteer at, organizing the events, sending out all emails and making phone calls or just being the leaders of  it all.

So far I have volunteered at the Westlake library for a chess event and I sorted through clothes that men and woman have donated for people without clothes and homes. My job is to research volunteer projects for everyone to do. I’m looking at the Childrens Art Museum and Bucks Barns. I’m looking forward to sharing more with you about NCL, keep in touch!